Monday, April 19, 2010

laque & lick

so, how about a nailpolish that both smells and tastes good?

check out laque and lick, a nailpolish which doesn't make false promises about durability!
instead it reactes and dissolves in contact with saliva, not water!

it is an easy, and tasty, way to remove you chipped nailpolish.
laque and lick is made out of all natural ingredients and aromas, which are good for you nails, fingers and taste buds!

calories and carbs NOT included!


don't you just hate it when you just applied a fresh layer of nailpolish, sat like a zombie for half an hour to really let it dry in, and after anything from 30 min-half a day your hard work is chipped? any small crack bugs the living hell out of you everytime you look at it!

usually you dont really carry around remover etc, so wouldnt it be great if you could just get the polish away in a simple, maybe even apetizing matter?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

scent tv

shame the scent tv homepage doesnt work, it is really hard to find out how far this technology has been going, but it is there I guess.
a nice pic on how it kinda works!

more smell

another blog which I found about the scent projector. click title.

this was like the only pic i found of it, doesnt look really impressive, more like my taperecorder from 1993

smelly smell

never thought much about scents, except for perfums, but just typing scent technology in google immediatly got me a interesting hit! scented movies! apparently there was already a scent mopvie projector patent made in 2008!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010

time and society for parva venom

To start with our concept it has to be said that Parva Venom is nothing you can chose to wear!
Parva Venom is a bio-technologcial weapon which is used by the government(controlled by large cooperations) to control human kind.

In 2015 our bodies are hurt by the synthetic foods we are forced to consume. Although urban farming etc made an imporvement for some time, the larger crowd chose the generated supermarket. We become pale and our bodies are undernurtured of real food components. We are starving and at the same time human kind has never been fatter.
But water, water is something pure which we dare to consume, and have to. Some countries are still lucky to be able to consume their own tap water, but in most places we are forced to buy bottled sterelized water. Steralized? Hah! That's what we thought. Bottleled water is owned by cooperations which, as I mentioned above, are allied with the governement. Companies are the mighest sponsors of the governement.

Parva Venom is a mixture of the guinea worm, which travels thorugh water, and a mind control set. By consuming water the worm travles thorugh our bodies and takes from as a necklace under our skin which suffocates our brains and makes obey to whatever tasks and behavior we are told to be. We become emotionless, loners. Relationships are gone and we become servants, zombies. Since our need for happiness and individualism is drained we will become a around the c'clock working society, like batteries, only stopping to recharge. Life will be empty, but the ones of us controlled will not take notice. There will be a few rebels leftover, probably former outcasts of the society, who will try to fight, but mainly survive world control.
During the research I started to think about communism, the wish that anyone would have the same. This does of course not work because one of our basic needs are individualism and self realisation. Therefore Parva Venom was created. There will be no place for the sick and weak anymore.